
Number of relevant pages: 2

Cervical cancer epidemiology and screening results

cancer incidence and mortality rates Cervical cancer is a relatively common type of...

Cervical cancer

1: Trends in cervical cancer incidence and mortality rates in the Czech Republic: absolute numbers of new cases / deaths. Source:...

Number of relevant news: 14

Cervical cancer screening

management in the hope to reduce morbidity and mortality from a...

Personalised invitations of Czech citizens to cancer screening programmes

have the potential to significantly decrease mortality rates for above-mentioned cancers. However, participation rates of the...

First global analysis of breast and cervical cancer estimates 2 million new cases worldwide

be given similar global priority to maternal mortality. Read the whole article at Reference Forouzanfar, M.... cancer, cervical cancer, incidence, mortality, developing countries, screening...

Studies reveal potential HPV vaccine to substantially reduce incidence of cervical cancer and suggest screening programmes could be modified

in areas where cervical cancer incidence and mortality are high because of inadequate alternative prevention through effective...

One in six worldwide cancers down to 'largely preventable or treatable' infection

mortality rates, malignant tumours, preventable infections, treatable...

The Lancet publishes largest ever study on global burden of disease

H. et al. (2012). Age-specific and sex-specific mortality in 187 countries, 1970–2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of D...

HPV associated cancer incidence rates point to needed efforts to increase HPV vaccination coverage

CDC, and NCI, through NAACCR, as well as cancer mortality data from the CDC. The researchers determined trends in age-standardized...

1.5 million premature cancer deaths could be prevented per year if targets set to reduce NCDs are met by 2025

that this assumes the 25% reduction in overall mortality is spread in an even proportion across the main NCDs (cancer, cardiovascular...

Invitation to cancer screening is an investment which will pay off in the future

the form of improved cancer detection and lower mortality rates. Download IBA MU Press Release ( 53 kB) Photo...

IARC warns 'cancer burden growing at an alarming pace'

statistics on trends in cancer incidence and mortality worldwide, this new book reveals how the cancer burden is growing at an...

Cervical cancer, a common cause of death in countries where no screening programmes are available

released the latest data on cancer incidence, mortality, and prevalence worldwide [1,... incidence has increased by more than 20%, while mortality has increased by 14%. Breast cancer is also the most common cause of cancer... cancer incidence, cancer prevalence, cancer mortality, global cancer burden, breast cancer, cervical...

Most types of cancer not due to “bad luck”, says IARC

F.: GLOBOCAN 2012 v1.0, Cancer Incidence and Mortality Worldwide: IARC CancerBase No. 11 [online]. International Agency for Research...

Screening for HPV infection alone more accurate than Pap Test in the detection of cervical cancer, especially in younger women

that our research will help reduce morbidity and mortality from cervical cancer worldwide," he said. Reference Huh WK, Ault...

Vaccine to prevent most cervical cancers shows long-term effectiveness

ago, cervical cancer was a very common cause of mortality in the United States. Looking forward, with widespread vaccination, it is...