HPV and Pap co-testing study for cervical cancer screening reports
19. 05. 2011 | ecancer.orgFirst large study of HPV and pap co-testing in routine clinical practice confirms most women can safely extend screening to every three years; HPV testing alone also appears to be superior to pap testing alone [1].
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"Our results are a formal confirmation that the three-year follow-up is appropriate and safe for women who have a negative HPV test and normal Pap result," said lead author Hormuzd Katki, PhD, principal investigator in the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics at the National Cancer Institute. "These results also suggest that an HPV-negative test result alone could be enough to give a high level of security for extending the testing interval to every three years, but we'll need additional evidence from routine clinical practice, and formal recommendations from guideline panels before that can be routinely recommended."
Read the whole article at ecancer.org
- Katki HA, Kinney WK, et al. Cervical cancer risk for women undergoing concurrent testing for human papillomavirus and cervical cytology: a population-based study in routine clinical practice. Lancet Oncology 2011. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(11)70145-0
klíčová slova: human papillomavirus, Pap test, cervical cancer